School Alerts

Learning Behaviours

School Parliament have created the KINGFISHER LEARNING HEROES! Each hero represents an excellent attribute of learning…


Captain Happy – we learn best when we feel happy and safe in school. The children of Kingfisher always have a big smile.

Professor Excellent – At Kingfisher, we reach for the stars! We aim high and ask ourselves, ‘What can we do to be the best we can be?’

Resilience Man – We are positive and forward-thinking learners who overcome any set-backs or steep learning curves we encounter.

Dr Opportunity – Here  at Kingfisher, we enjoy new challenges and the opportunity to sink our teeth into tricky tasks. We are keen to take part in new, exciting challenges and relish those given to us.

Enthusi-Girl – We show an obvious enjoyment of learning: as much as we possibly can! We become thoroughly involved in classroom activities and enjoy ACTIVE LEARNING!

Super-Study Man – We can talk about our targets and show that we know how to improve. We always try our best and show a commitment to improving our skills and learning as much as we possibly can.


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