School Alerts

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 (Classes 11 & 12)

2024 – 25

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Y5 Autumn 1 Newsletter

2023 – 24

Year 5 have had a great day exploring life in Victorian England. We have tried different workhouse jobs like stone and oakum picking and have all agreed that these jobs were incredibly challenging. We have also looked at The Great Exhibition and created our own work working inventions of the 19th century that we would put in our own Exhibition.

Summer 2 Newsletter

Y5 Newsletter

In year 5, we have combined our history learning of the Industrial Revolution and our D.T learning to create and design our own models of a steam train.
We thoroughly enjoyed making our own electrical circuit to make our trains move and then painting our trains so that our design vision could come to life!
Class 12 have been investigating the impact surface area has on air resistance. We have created and conducted an experiment using parachutes to test out our theory.
We have found out that the bigger the parachute, the more air resistance there is, which means it takes longer for the parachute to fall.
We had great fun testing to see if our parachute was safe enough to protect our egg when landing!

Year 5 have had a great start to their new science topic: forces. We have been investigating if streamlined shapes fall through water at a faster or slower rate!

Summer 1 Newsletter

Y5 Summer 1 Newsletter

Class 12 have had great fun starting their new topic around forces today in science. They have learnt what a force is and then explored the Newton Metre to investigate the impact an item’s mass has on its force.

Class 12 have produced some amazing bunting to welcome people to Doncaster. They have shown great teamwork and determination when sewing their fabric together and have created some amazing outcomes! Well Done Class 12!

Class 12 have thoroughly enjoyed creating their own video games. They have been incredibly creative and used lots of different computing skills to make their monsters move, and their games come to life!

Spring 2 Newsletter

Y5 Spring 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter Spring 1

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Year 5 Autumn 2 Newsletter

Autumn 1 newsletter

Y5 – Autumn 1 Doncaster


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