Welcome to Year 5 (Classes 11 & 12)
2024 – 25
Art – Clay
As part of our Art for this half term, we have practised the skill of using clay in preparation for sculpting Conisbrough Castle. We made thumb pots and slips as well as creating coil pots. We then used the remaining clay we had to sculpt mice!
History – Baghdad
Year 5 have had great fun using biscuits to recreate the structure of Baghdad. We now know that Baghdad was built in a circular shape and had a Mosque in the centre of it.
Literacy – Coraline
This week, year 5 have started their new literacy sequence linked to Neil Gaiman’s ‘Coraline’. We have looked at lots of different doors and we discussed the way they made us feel, what we think is behind the door and which one we were most excited to go through. We can’t wait to keep reading the novel to find out if Coraline ever enters the door she was told not to touch!
Literacy – Punctuating Speech
Year 5 have been working incredibly hard on their use of dialogue in literacy this half term. We have looked at how we punctuate speech using inverted commas, along with understanding where a reporting clause can be used as well. We have then used our knowledge and understanding to come up with some fantastic interactions between our own villains and another character!
Maths – Place Value
This half term, year 5 have looked at place value up to 1 million. We have learnt how to write numbers to 1 million in both words and numerals, along with looking at how to use standard partitioning.
P.E – Gymnastics
Today, class 12 started their new P.E unit of ‘Gymnastics’. We have looked at the different shapes that we can make and worked with our partner to create different stretches.
Science – Butterflies
Year 5 have had some new additions join their class this half term. As part of our science learning, we have been looking at the life cycle of different animals, including insects. We have welcomed 5 caterpillars into our class and can’t wait to see them grow!