School Alerts



Hi, my name is Aimee Pickering and as part of my role at Kingfisher Primary I coordinate fundraising through event organising and also building positive relationships with local businesses and the local community.

Please see the link below for further details of my role.

Fundraising Bio Aimee Pickering


We are also raising funds this year to purchase ‘scrap sheds’ from a company called scrap stuff. These are sheds which are full of open ended resources for the children to use during break and lunchtimes. Click the link for more info: ScrapShed – Scrap – Centre of Creative Reuse (

Take a look at the fundraising events tab to see what’s coming up.


Christmas 2020 is approaching! As we cannot hold our annual Christmas fair this year, we have gone ‘virtual’! Please click the link below to see the amazing items that your children will be making for you to purchase. There are also some other local businesses who you may wish to support and make either a Christmas purchase from or even treat yourself!

Kingfisher Christmas Brochure

Do you shop online?

Don’t forget to use easyfundraising next time you shop online!

It’s a really simple way to raise money for Kingfisher Primary through your everyday online shopping with retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S and it’s completely free!

Over £20million has already been raised for good causes in the UK by easyfundraising shoppers so please help us get our share!

JUNE 2019 : THANK YOU to everyone who used #easyfundraising to support Kingfisher Primary Doncaster in May. We’ve now raised £8.86! You can help us raise MORE in June by remembering to use easyfundraising every time you shop online. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can join in here:


Fundraising Newsletter Jan20.docx

Summer Term Newsletter 






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